Monday, January 31, 2011

India: The Banglewalas.*

i just love these because of moody yet vibrant colors..."wala" means "man," so a "banglewala" is the "bangle man." they press your hands together in a certain way to fit your bangles so you never take them off until they break, and then you replace them. there are about a million of them right next to one another so when you go to one booth the others just get super bummed because they all carry the same stock and it's just a matter of random choice. who will make money today?*


bangle heaven


bangle rainbows

bangle heaven

Sunday, January 30, 2011

India: Part II- Portraits.*

reliving these moments confirms my desire to return to my trip and see it to its full realization. these people were so kind in letting me borrow a moment in time.*



women's work


the river

playing at the ashram



dogs rivers trash



women's work



India: Part I- Agra.*

finally, here we are. india, you will always hold a place in my heart.*

tiny gypsie



money, please

handmade paper

delhi international airport




shawl festival

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Turkish Janis Joplin: Selda Bagcam.*

just look at this chick. one of my ahhhh-mazing all-time favorites. some of my lovely hippie dj girlfriends opened my eyes to her grandeur a few years back during one of our infamous craft nights. watch her play and tell me this ain't the coolest shit that ever came out of turkey in the 70's.*

The Magic Paw: Cats and Worldly Mythology.*

could this website be filled with any more wondrous information? i think not. please see for yourself and be amazed.*
magicpaw: cats in world mythology.*

the norse goddess freyja riding a cat chariot:
Freyja riding with her cats (1874)

old french board game like chutes and ladders but with cats:
old french board game

pretty much the dopest ring i've ever seen and *will* get my hands on:
bastet astrology ring

painting from the tomb of nebamun built in about 1400 BC in ancient egypt showing a cat that has similarities to the modern day feral egyptian mau.
(some experts think that the ancient egyptians trained cats to catch birds.):

and, of course, nothing says FUN! like dressing up your cat and making a vintage christmas card:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Dream of Pinky.*

ian told me about this dream he had the other night with a mysterious, pale, goth girl with light pink, faded made me remember my 10 years of pink hair and how i so miss pastel shades framing my face. (odd fact: my nickname in high school was "Pinky" and i was uber-goth.) i wonder who she was, and what she symbolized. i automatically wondered if maybe he met my former self in the spirit world, but he said she was a new character altogether. dream interpretation says a woman with long hair means happiness, and a woman with red hair means persecution (great for me), but nothing about a woman with pale, pink hair. either way, she is now a part of my subconscious desire as well and is one more thing to reunite me with my former identity that i always reminisce so fondly upon.*

(last two images borrowed from paper or plastic blog.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mapache Jewlery: Raccoon Reminders.*

my super-rad homegurl rochelle designs this jewlery and i absolutely love it. check out her site at

Henri the Cat.*

why is this so endearing?*

Cat Cult at Poo-Bah's Records!*

check it out! one of our most favorite independent record stores in l.a. (well, pasadena, really) is selling cat cult street wear. buy the new kutmah record (which is awesome) and simultaneously sport a hypnotizing cowboy!*
chcek out poo-bah records here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dancing Glitter Cats = Where It's At.*

too awesome not to share with the world. i am currently teaching bebita marla and bebito merlin to do this lovely trick.*

Thursday, January 20, 2011

R.I.P. Trish Keenan.*

trish keenan, british frontwoman of the amazing band broadcast, and also one of my favorite ladies in musical history, died last friday at the age of 42 from complications with pneumonia. (pneumonia, seriously? it's 2011, for god's sake! i don't understand how this is possible.) in her psychedelic hippie dresses with belled sleeves and flowing hair, she always had op-art backgrounds and beautiful video shows to accompany her eerily soothing voice. when i last saw her perform at the trubadour in hollywood, she wore a silver sequined dress and go-go boots, her voice haunting the cavernous wooden building like a melodic seance. you will be missed, girl.*