this was a GREAT show. i highly recommend it to anyone living in LA. if you don't live near, at least check them out on the web. great photo history. in addition to the amazing photographers listed below, susan meiselas, lauren greenfield, larry towell, w. eugene and aileen m. smith, and phillip jones griffith have work in this show.*

New Orleans, Leonard Freed, 1965

The Sacrifice, James Nachtwey, 2006-7

Church Gate Station, Western railroad Line, Bombay, India, Sebastiao Salgado, 2009
"Rat" and Mike With a Gun, Seattle, Mary Ellen Mark, 1983

New Orleans, Leonard Freed, 1965

The Sacrifice, James Nachtwey, 2006-7

Church Gate Station, Western railroad Line, Bombay, India, Sebastiao Salgado, 2009

"Rat" and Mike With a Gun, Seattle, Mary Ellen Mark, 1983
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