Saturday, August 7, 2010

CAPTURED: America in Color: 1939-1943

my friend gabby posted a link to these photographs and they are truly amazing. please check this out if you care about art and culture.
CAPTURED: America in Color: 1939-1943. "these images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the depression on america’s rural and small town populations. the photographs are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color."*
CAPTURED: America in Color from 1939-1943
CAPTURED: America in Color from 1939-1943
CAPTURED: America in Color from 1939-1943
CAPTURED: America in Color from 1939-1943

Kime Buzzeli.*

i fell in love with kime buzzeli and her dreamy sceneries quite some years ago, and ian was sweet enough to get one for me a couple birthdays back. this is it in our bedroom. we are also the proud owners of the one below it. the rest are out there somewhere....check her out at the moldy doily. she's amazingly talented, and so very sweet when you hang out with her. the little cherry on top, of course, is that she is a fan of the cat stuff. she also has some super adorable cats of her own, whom she shares with her followers regularly on her site. the last image is her with a cat poster that he made and a pillow that i made.*

one of ours
the strangest weapon in the world
kime on flaunt
kime's wall
kime and kitten
Cat Cult Pillows

Friday, August 6, 2010

Village of Baby Creatures.*

this was the beginning of my love for making babies. at one posint. daniella, chris, and i were working on what was to be an incredible stop-motion film made solely by felties, but alas, he went away to calarts and it got put on hold. but i didn't stop....these are just a few of my fuzzy loves. i want to make an entire heaven of them, a village in the sky like a citadel. more soon....*
Workin' Well'uh, Daniell'uh
The Babies
In the shadow

Portrait in Summer, 2010.*

ian took this beautiful picture of me on the res on the 5th of july, the day after the glorious celebration. i rather like it. no sleep, no makeup, no clothes, no problem.*