Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dripped: Holiday Runway Edition.*

last friday night was the holiday fashion soiree/trunk show event DRIPPED, filled with fashionistas, runway shows, some incredible performance art, and some of the most gorgeous handmade jewelry treasures i have ever laid eyes on. this event satisfied & inspired on so many levels. WIFE, the performance group below, was so beautifully postmodern with their movements between light & darkness. each artist linked below makes extraordinary treasures, and while i don't have the time to showcase all of their work, please do click on them and check out their baroque headpieces, personalized crystal jewelry based on astrological charts, and bead & metalwork. what's truly happening in the here & now is quite magickal.*

Wife, some of the most amazing performance art I have ever seen.*

(this one is my favorite:)

Mapache @ Dripped Soirée, LA.*
nom @ Dripped LA.*
Natalia @ elephants and sirens.*

geisha, our hostess

gypsy junkies

marina fini


@ Dripped

and for party photos of the event in detail, check out young and sleek. enjoy!*

Sunday, December 11, 2011

B L A C K - P Y R A M I D . *

my friend jen showed her gorgeous terrarium crystal balls at this shop Black Pyramid in SF and i stumbled upon their blog. the best part of their boutique, of course, is their jewelry. SO amazing (and so expensive), and reminds me a lot of my beloved bona drag. i know that my og witchy homegirls and i get perturbed that everything we've been into since seventh grade is UBER-hip right now, but on the other hand it's fairly convenient because everything that was so hard to find is suddenly readily available and i can stock up. it'll go out of style again in a year and then i'll just have more crystals and daggers and go back to being a dork.*

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crackly Drums & Screechy Howls.*

a couple cool bands/videos: i saw this band Bestial Mouths the other night in a basement, and it reminded me of the shows i used to see in 10th grade (in the best way). White Ring is this band that rebecca took me to go see but i was too impatient to wait for them to come on (i think it was very cold that evening). Grimes is just Grimes and here because i love her and for some reason this video totally reminds me of Madonna's "frozen" video from a decade ago. lastly, a lot of people haven't seen the new CocoRosie videos yet and the beautiful, goth-victorian creepiness is really worth the watch. for endless music downloading, i've been using frostwire, which is basically the new (to me) limewire. for infinite music listening, i finally got my ass on spotify, which is super dope since i got to check about 40 weirdo bands off my "to check out" list this week alone. thanks, interwebal technology. this would have been a really expensive endeavor back in the 90's.*